Friday, January 18, 2008

Hello to all ... And so soon ;-)

It was a wonderful day today! I got up in my chair for the first time in three weeks. I was lightheaded , I had to deal with my hair being ripped out on the back of my head from combing it after laying on the pillows so long. Then I tried to choke myself to death on jelly from my PB and J. Seriously, It tried to go down my windpipe. Some of it may have succeeded. I hate jelly. 'cept I love it.

Then it was time for me to get back in bed. When I got undressed to get back in bed . I became very cold . I told Sheila this , and she threw me a sheet I'm sure she brought in from outside!Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! The argument or "discussion" elevated from there it ended fairly abruptly with me sort of having a blanket covering me. Damn it looks like I lost this argument er "discussion "! Anyway , I am very sorry sweetie, and I love you lots! :-) .

My last post discussed bird feeders , and considering the birds that eat there your pet's!
I have my feeder in a spot in my front garden bed. In the spring we just pull up everything that has started growing. In the spring, you scrape the top layer of dirt containing the "Poo" then you can plant annuals. Or better yet , plant perennials , and U don't have to mess with the "poo" at all. Very good questions Blue, sincerely your Tommy xoxoxoxo

Hello not a G-ma it is 29 days 16 hours and five minutes till the Daytona 500! But the Budweiser shoot out is the Sunday before that YEAH!! Watch, the number 17 will be in the winner's circle at the end of Daytona. Brown headed cowbirds are black , with an irradescent green that shows in the black area in the sunlight. Their heads and necks are Brown. About the size of a robin, but much sleeker looking. Hey look Sheila showed me how to do pictures on my blog

Trisha, Infiniti is like the exact opposite of zero. It's the highest amount there is, you cannot take it times one million. It is still Infiniti, It is like zero in that respect. And yet it is still the exact opposite. Hope that helps... Now I'm lost. Anyway , you can only love me , as much as I love you, and I do, and Ashlyn too. Woo-Hoo. What do I do, I'm stuck on ooo?.... I don't... know? Gooo... Hold on , I can do this Gooo... Dammit. One more time Gooodnight or morning, or day yoou choooze

1 comment:

Not a Granny said...

Hi Tom, Yes I am sure Matt will be in the Winner's Circle, behind Kasey Kahn of course.

Not A Grampy says behind Kasey, then Tony Stewart, but I see Matt secondto Kasey!

Bleh to Not A Grampy.